“We Didn’t Start the Fire” in Flash

I was reading my brother's blog entry about fat people on airlines and, curious about whether this had been discussed elsewhere, I was led to a post on MonkeyFilter about the cost of overweight people to airlines. And, not having heard of MonkeyFilter before, I checked out their main page…

And, in the spirit of Friday Flash Fun, someone had discovered a Flash slideshow based on Billy Joel’s pop hit “We Didn’t Start the Fire”. Not that the original was brilliant in the first place (it was mostly a list, after all), but I can appreciate the effort put into finding 100+ images and timing those with the pace of the original song.

PS Can anyone enlighten me on “MonkeyFilter”? Their home page describes it as “a Metafilter clone, only with more bananas and less flinging”. Is that just hyperbole or is this site worth checking from time to time?

2 thoughts on ““We Didn’t Start the Fire” in Flash

  1. It was started for the people who read MeFi but couldn’t register. Now that Matt has reopended MeFi signups, it’s more or less it’s own thing. There’s a lot of overlap, both in members and content.

  2. Yes, it is a community weblog, without a specific focus. It is smaller, and slightly less american than metafilter; there also may be more female members. (Certainly no one would ever suggest it is a “boyzone” – the administrator and many of the more prominant members are female.) The content overlap tends to go both ways, though I usually find monkeyfilter less serious; the discussions are usually quite different. It’s also down right now, but please come back when it is back up again.

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