WordPress Meetup on Saturday

I was reading over the WordPress Development Blog and discovered that there’s a WordPress Meetup on Saturday (at 4:00). Of course, I use Movable Type on this blog, but ever since Six Apart changed their licensing terms for Movable Type 3.0, I’ve started looking into alternatives. Granted, even under the new licensing terms, Movable Type would still be free for me. But, who’s to say that Six Apart might not change their licensing terms again?

And, in any case, WordPress has some intriguing features that aren’t available in Movable Type. There're a couple niche features like blogging-over-email (which I’m not sure I’d use), but the big one for me is that WordPress is entirely database-driven. So, pages are generated on-the-fly without any “rebuilding” (as opposed to MovableType which creates static pages that have to be written with each update).

In the entry on the WordPress Dev blog, Matt also links to his personal entry on the WordPress Meetup. And, I learned that there’re several active WordPress developers here in Texas. So, if enough people sign up for the Dallas WordPress Meetup, I'm hoping that I may be able to chat with Ryan Boren, one of the WordPress developers here in Dallas.