Ah, Got a Roommate

On Friday, I wrote that it looked like I had found a roommate. Well, Mike and I went over to the leasing office and signed all the papers on Monday. So it’s official now — whew. Not that I was expecting any problems, but it’s a relief to have all the Ts crossed and Is dotted.

It’s also nice to have a couch once again — Jason took his futon with him when he moved out, so I had nothing to sit on for a while. But, Mike has a blue L-shaped sectional couch that is much more comfortable than my floor ;).

May Have Found a Roommate

I’ve been looking for a roommate for a while now and I may have found one. Since Jason moved out, I’ve been signed up with several roommate-finding services (Roommates.com RoommateAccess and RoomieMatch, to name some of the more useful ones).

As usual, the services would send me matches every day based on my location and the apartment’s rent. I’d look over of them, and send messages to people that I thought would make for a reasonable roommate.

So, among those, I sent a message to Michael yesterday afternoon. He stopped by to check out the apartment yesterday evening and today we’ve agreed to become roommates. We’re going to the leasing office tomorrow to fill out the paperwork. It all seems too easy ;).

If all goes to plan, Michael will be moving in this weekend (since he has to be out of his current apartment by the end of the month). I’ve offered to help him move, so this may be the second move I’m helping with this weekend. It’ll be good exercise, so I don’t mind.

Dallas Camera Club

Since buying my new camera (Nikon Coolpix 5700), I’ve been reading various books on photography as well (including the National Geographic Photography Field Guide), which I’ve found very useful).

In that book, they mentioned what should have been obvious to me: many cities have camera clubs. So, I checked Google for “Dallas camera club” and, what do you know, there is a Dallas Camera Club. They have meetings every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of of the month. The 1st-Tuesday meeting is for their photography competitions, while the 3rd-Tuesdays are regular meetings.

The meetings are held at one of the rooms of Parker Chiropractic College, which is just at 35 & Walnut Hill. So, as yesterday was a 3rd-Tuesday, I decided to check it out. The Chiropractic College was easy to find, and it only had a few buildings so finding the room wasn’t tough either.

When I first stepped in to room 226, I noticed that more than half the room were retirees. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, since the field of photography has been around for over a century. But I guess I didn’t expect to have many interests in common with older Americans.

Before the meeting, there were snacks and drinks. The drinks were all 2-liter bottles, but even included Kroger-brand “Caffeine Free Diet Cola” — ahh, the guilt-free brown water I love. Of course, there were also cookies, which probably counteracted any carb-savings I got out of the soda ;).

For what it’s worth, the cookies were of three varieties: those Snackwells Devils Food cookies (ehh), and soft chocolate chip cookies in two sizes (one set about Chips Ahoy sized and another set of about 3” each). Perhaps the cookies are different each month.

The meeting itself was well run and interesting. As with any club of this type, there was the occasional nervous banter of the President between introducing speakers (but, I can live with that, I suppose).

The first presentation was a PowerPoint-based slideshow (using a projector connected to a laptop) of the club’s recent fieldtrip to a Dogwood Farm (it was like a botanical garden for trees, or such). Pleasantly, the slideshow was set to auto-advance evey four or five seconds (woo, no chit-chat between every slide!). As I understand it, the slideshow was made of contributed pictures from club members; so, some were great while others weren’t quite as good.

The second presentation was on creating simulated multiple-exposures using Photoshop. This one amazed some of the Photoshop-newbies, but it basically consisted of sandwiching two photographs over separate layers and varying the transparency between the two. I didn’t mind that so much, but the information wasn’t something that I’d regularly use.

After the meeting, I talked with a few of the members. They were all very friendly and, of course, rather knowledgeable about photography (I counted at least two people who had bought a Canon EOS-10D, which impressed me). I thought the meeting was worthwhile and I’ll probably try to go again.

Linux Meetup on Tuesday

There’re Meetups for all kinds of things, but I’ve been mostly to Slashdot Meetups. I went to one Linux Meetup back in January (to California Pizza Kitchen) but there hasn’t been one since then (they’re automatically cancelled if less than five people sign up).

However, there’s another Linux Meetup tomorrow (Tuesday), at the Cafe Brazil on Elm Street. I'm not sure what I'll order, though I often order a make-your-own omelette with sun-dried tomatoes, feta cheese, and chorizo sausage. Hmm, yeah, that could be good.

Selecting Roommates?

Jason moved out last Wednesday and I’m still looking for a roommate. I’ve posted an ad on CraigsList and also on several roommate-specific services (RoommateService, RoommateClick, RoomieMatch and RoommateAccess).

If roommate-finding were like fishing, you could say that I’ve had a few “nibbles” recently (some people have expressed interest) but not much beyond that (none have yet filled out a rental application).

However, if more than one person goes as far as filling out the rental application and would like to move in, what would be a fair means of choosing? Preference in order of when they first contacted me? Preference in order of when they sent in the rental application? Or something else entirely?

I don’t necessarily expect to have to make a decision, since some people will probably drop out of the running and I may end up with just one person in the end. But, I can’t rule out the possibility.