Time-Lapse GIF of Front-End Development

We’re working on a new design for our blog at work and our boss has given us the go-ahead to develop it live. So, we’re developing right on the server and you can follow along as we implement the design.

We finished the design itself earlier this week and we started on the front-end coding yesterday. And, as we went along, I periodically took screenshots of my browser; then, at the end of the day, I stitched those together to form a time-lapse animated gif of the development process.

The site is still a work in progress and we’ll continue coding it today. I’ll keep taking screenshots and I’ll later post a “Part II” animated gif of the progress since the first one. Oh, and should you need a screenshot utility for Windows, I’ve found Screenshot Captor pretty handy for that — what makes it better than just regular PrintScr is that it can be triggered with a hotkey and set to automatically save the image in a directory of your choice.