Airline on A&E

I first heard about A&E’s new reality show Airline from, of all places, NPR’s Marketplace (RealAudio article). Airline is a reality show based around Southwest Airlines:

A camera crew has spent the last six months at Los Angeles International Airport filming the work of Southwest Airlines employees. Is this an employee training video? No, it’s the latest in reality TV. The weekly half-hour show called “Airline” is devoted to the drama that goes on behind the scenes at a big-time carrier. […]

Interestingly enough, even though Southwest granted A&E permission for the initial filming, the producers still had the final say on which segments made it into the show. And, Southwest wasn’t paid for this, though they hope that the show will act as positive advertising for the brand.

They seem to be airing two 1/2 hour episodes back-to-back each week and I recorded last week’s episodes on TiVo just to see what it was like. And I rather enjoy the show — there were no spiteful fights or gossip (unlike some reality shows) but it was surprisingly interesting. And, the Southwest employees generally acted like real people rather than zombie marketdroids.

Airline airs Mondays on A&E at 10/9c and 10:30/9:30c.

7 thoughts on “Airline on A&E

  1. wouldn’t a more appropriate comment be that Southwest didn’t pay for this, rather than they didn’t get paid for this?

    usually companies pay for publicity rather than get paid for publicity.

  2. I have been watching Airline for quite a while and Southwest is definitely not getting good publicity from the show. The employees seem rude and arrogant. Whenever they break bad news to a passenger, You can almost see a little smirk and haahaa attitude. And some situations are no-brainers. But a Southwest supervisor has to say no at least three times before finally relenting and allowing an ill passenger to fly another airline so she can catch up with her medication. And while some intoxicated passengers are allowed to fly and others are denied boarding is so arbitrary. Whew! Sorry for the long post. This show irritates me. But I keep watching, hoping that one day, those rude Southwest employees will be reprimanded for their unprofessional behavior.

  3. The following letter may be copied and/or otherwise duplicated for purpose of agreement and or distribution…

    …pertaining to the A&E channel show “Airline” aired October 24, 2oo5 EST

    I strongly agree with the entry from TC…I actually came online a few minutes ago just to comment on the A&E “Airline” show. I am compelled to write prompted by the smirk, or rather outright grin, on the face of the counter person while getting obvious delight in the couple flying to Las Vegas and missing their flight by 2 or 3 minutes. Then, seemingly not being satisfied with the couple’s benignly cooperative attitude following being informed of this ominous information, she attempts to provoke the couple by pointing out the fact that “Southwest leaves on time, and that’s why they aren’t going under like the other airlines”. One can only hope that this particular desk clerk has enough time left before retirement that she may be around for the airlines demise. After all, she should be recognized for her contribution to the cause when it does fail. I have watched this show from the onset due to the proverbial train wreck syndrome…we all know how that old saying is indicative to human nature! It should be to no amazement that the show would be a hit…surprise to whom? Not I. “The Osbournes” on MTV proved to be an extremely popular show and was just as mesmerizing to the viewing public including myself. I can’t honestly envision very many sane people who would want to live like, nor exhibit behavior paralleling Ozzie and family. While “Airline”, captivating slice of television reality that it is, cannot be laughed off as easily as “The Osbournes”. After all Sharon, Ozzie and brood’s behavior didn’t do nearly as much damage to paying customers outside of the “family”. “Airline” however, exposes a large majority of Southwest employees with an overabundance of individual power and the inability to direct or regulate it from within. From the onset of the pilot show (no pun…really) and as the duration of the season progresses, the employees internal strife has gone from ineptness to full blown abuse mixed with mean spirited delight, and all served up to the commuter(s) of the moment with a “Godly measure of control” attitude. We do have to empathize with these employees just a bit though. Surely it makes for a hard day when they have to carry out such duties as skulking around corners ensuring that America’s skies are safe solely by their efforts. It cannot be easy keeping an eye glued to the “marked flyer” that had drank the entire beer and may end up obviously smiling to excess, and way too relaxed in their assigned seat all while the counter goes unmanned, and the line of impatience grows. I have scratched my head over the ultimate wisdom of the Southwest CEOs permitting the continuation of this slow erosion of reputation. Surely, none could have ever viewed the program. It could be thought that in a corporation the size of Southwest Airlines at least one of the upper echelon would have the sensibility to see the negative effect of the show, dished out via their mini military minded employee’s self-fulfilling superiority over Southwest commuters. After all…how DARE a customer demand a seat armed only with the fact that they had incidentally planned, paid for, and obtained months ago. Consumers really should be more tolerant of losing that seat. After all, we have all heard of double booking. The audacity of these out-of-line protesters to lament over such minute details while a hard-pressed Southwest employee seemingly so diligently flails over a keyboard helping to attain a seat on a plane to follow. It’s only going to be one more day. I personally have long ago made plans to look for ANY other means of transportation before I will stand at a Southwest counter and feed the already inflated egos of these self-elevated employees for the privilege of soaring away on a Southwest plane. I am relatively sure I am not alone. But!…I’m rooting for the show to go on. I can even hope that it becomes ever more popular. I say to CBS, NBC, ABC and all major networks out there…wake up! Get in on the ground floor and glean a piece of this circus while it’s gaining viewers. This show is a cookie cut out for prime time fellas. It deserves a broader demographic. The more commuting flyers viewing, the better I say! But what am I saying? Then I wouldn’t have half an hour each week of such subtle aggression release! Yes, I guess we consumers of flight should be on our knees thanking Southwest employees for coming to our aid and ensuring the safety of America! After all…No Southwest…no show!!

    Cc: Southwest Airlines

  4. It’s sad to see someone go on such a ridiculous rant about Southwest’s employees being unprofessional. They obviously have not studied the airline industry and what it takes to keep a scheduled airline running and at that profitable. The gate and ticket agents of Southwest have a job to enforce the airline’s rules and the FAA’s regulations by LAW. It sounds to me like you are biased in your opinion of Southwest due to personal experience. The comment on the employee’s smirking at customers is not professional in any way. However, you must look at the overall context of the situation with the customer. The customer was either late, drunk, or disgruntled due to there own negligent behavior. The American society has but too much blame on the airlines when it comes to having problems with flying. People need to be responsible for them selves to arrive at the airport and in a condition to fly safely. If I was the agent, I too would be smirking at the ridiculousness of the situation because of how irresponsible the customer was in making it to the flight. If your going to pay hundreds of dollars to fly you should be responsible enough yourself to make your own flight and not blame it on the airline.

  5. I was shocked when I saw the episode of a nursing home leaving an elderly lady in front of the Southwest terminal to fend for herself. Southwest apparently flew the woman home to be with family members. They never said what happened to anyone at that nursing home and now I’m just curious.

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