7-Up Plus

Cadbury Schweppes is introducing a new beverage, 7-Up Plus. The big selling point to me is that it’s just like regular 7-Up, but with Splenda! As a bonus, it also has all kinds of vitamins in there as well:

Dr Pepper/Seven Up said the product, dubbed 7 UP PLUS, would be “a carbonated beverage fortified with calcium, vitamin C, real fruit juice and sweetened with Splenda.” […]

This new 7-Up Plus isn’t completely “full of nothing” as it has 10 calories and 3g carbs. But I can live with that — it’s close enough to nothing for me. In any case, it's one more Splenda-based soda on the market. And other than a few obscure store brands, I believe all of the Splenda-based sodas out there are from RC / Diet Rite (also a subsidiary of Cadbury Schweppes).

For what it’s worth there&Rsquo;re apparently seven flavors of Diet Rite, but I’ve only seen three of them at my local Super Target: Diet Rite Cola, Diet Rite Raspberry and Diet Rite White Grape (of which I have fridge-packs of all three in my fridge at the moment). So, while 7-Up Plus isn’t without calories, it would be the closest thing to a Splenda-based lemon/lime soda and I’m looking forward to it.

(Via CarbWire)

9 thoughts on “7-Up Plus

  1. Awesome! I right there with you on this one. I’ve been looking forward to a lemon-lime Splenda soda. As soon as I see this at the store, I’ll being trying a 2 liter.

  2. 4 gulps of Tropicana Pulp every morning and I’m set.

    Ever wonder what those Listerine pocketpacks are made of? Edible plastic.

    I just made one disappear in my mouth. They’re supposedly completely natural, made from black yeast, but they still seem weird.

  3. I can only barely get behind the no carb diets, but when you’re trying to cut carbs from soda, perhaps it’s just time to put down the soda and pick up a water!

    I haven’t even hear of this new sweetener…does it taste better than that rancid NutraSweet?

  4. I can only barely get behind the no carb diets, but when you’re trying to cut carbs from soda, perhaps it’s just time to put down the soda and pick up a water!

    Many people will drink more of a beverage if it is flavored, as opposed to water. If the beverage has bad things in it (sugar, caffeine, sodium), than this is bad. But if the beverage has good things in it (vitamins), than this is good. That is, so long as you don’t overdose. :)

  5. Just tried 7up Plus Mixed Berry. A bit “light”, not going to become a vodka mixer. However, as an avid label-reader, I have to say it will replace diet soda on my shelf. The studies are inconclusive regarding health issues with Splenda, but it hasn’t killed anyone yet, and has to be better for you than the High Fructose Corn Syrup that is in EVERYTHING on the “sugared” soda shelf.

  6. Coming from a person who is a diabetic, and who has been consuming diet drinks for over 15 years, I must say that this is one of the worst diet drinks I’ve ever tasted (not that it touts itself as a ‘diet drink’). I’ve read several reviews of this product & I’ve yet to see anyone who shared the experience that I, and several of my friends who I made taste it, have had. To me, the first thought that came to mind after I swallowed my first gulp was, “Windex!!”
    I’m a person who is fond of ‘fruity’ drinks, and when I first saw this sitting on the shelf at the grocery store I was excited that I may have found a new soda to occupy my refrigerator shelves. I was completely dissappointed, and at this very moment, there is a 12-pack of this soda sitting on my refrigerator shelf with 11 cans still inside.

    I’ll agree that Splenda is a much better sugar substitute than the poison asparatame (Nutrasweet), and I welcome any new product to make the switch. I’m glad to see that RC Cola/Dr. Pepper have been one of the first cola companies to recognize the dangers of asparatame (a product that was at first rejected by the FDA for 16 years for health reasons, and then later conveniently passed through at the requst of Donald Rumsfeld, who once used to be the CEO of the company that holds the patent on asparatme – a simple Internet search on “aspartame donald rumsfeld” will reveal plenty of details).

    Splenda (sucralose), while presently appears to be far better than Nutrasweet, it still has some negative aspects. For more information, this is a good source:


    Some additional Splenda sweetened soft drinks:
    Diet Rite – Cola, Rasberry, White Grape
    Diet Big Red
    Diet RC

    Ocean Spray ‘Lite’ fruit juices are now using Splenda as well.

  7. Just happened across this site… Wanted to note, Waist Watchers sodas also are made with Splenda. Excellent product and it’s always priced less than the Diet Rite products. If you can find the vanilla cream, stock up on it. The root beer is also quite tasty. In bottles, Jones Soda Co. is making their diet sodas with Splenda. Wish you could purchase their products in 2 liter sizes…

  8. I had several large fillings put in my mouth along my upper gum line about a year and a half ago…. My dentist told me that since I’d drank a lot of soda, it was literally rotting my teeth out. She told me to cut the sugar, said obviously the best thing to drink was water, but I could have unsweetened tea, coffee, and diet soda, even those flavored with artificial sweeteners. I welcome the new flavors with Splenda, really gives ya a variety to just regular diet soda.

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