Jones’ Sugar Free Green Apple Soda is Awful

Jones Soda is a self-described alternative soda company started in 1987 which is famous in part for its unconventional flavors such as Blue Bubblegum and Watermelon. In any case, they’ve recently achieved distribution at Target and that’s where I first ran across them. The first flavor of theirs that I tried was their Sugar Free Cola and, to be fair, it was pretty good. It’s sweetened with Splenda and even my sugar-soda drinking chum Matt was pleasantly surprised.

Recently, though, I thought to try their Sugar Free Green Apple. Oh, what a mistake that was — it’s almost undrinkable:

  • Color — The first thing I noticed about the soda was its color as I poured it into a glass. Roughly speaking, it very similar to the color of a lime green popsicle. And, if that’s giving you the heebie-jeebies already, you’re on the right track. Needless to say, subtlety is not this soda’s string suit.

  • Taste — This was the soda’s downfall for me. The color should have been a warning sign to me, but, yes, it pretty much tastes like carbonated Kool-Aid. If you’ve ever had the Green Apple flavor of Dum Dum Lollipops, I believe that precise flavoring was used here.

That’s not to say that all Jones Soda should be avoided. In fact, their Twisted Lime sounds rather tempting. All the same, I’d stay far away from their Green Apple; it wasn’t their flavor scientists’ finest hour.

6 thoughts on “Jones’ Sugar Free Green Apple Soda is Awful

  1. I wonder if this is limited to the Sugar Free variety or not, because I’ve had the sugarlicious blend and I enjoy it. Then again, I could just like odd flavors that any normal person would despise. :)

  2. I am quite the fan of the sugary, or is that corn syrupy, Green Apple. I’ll have to try this new one out. Although I may regret it.

    For what it’s worth, the Brussells Sprout soda from last year’s Jones Soda Thanksgiving pack is the most foul tasting/smelling beverage they’ve ever concocted that I’ve found. I keep a bottle of it in my fridge just so people can experience it and recalibrate their notion of what worst truly is. That package was for charity so outrageousness was for a good cause more than good taste.

    I wish they’d bring back the Bugjuice flavor they they did during the dot com days. It was my favorite at the time.

  3. I LIKE THE SUGAR-FREE GREEN APPLE!! and so do my grand-daughters….”HOT!” says the littlest one…..but now I cannot find it in my usual grocery store….I’ve been hunting in every store…Where can I find it?

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