Brainbench HTML 4.0 Master

On the advice of a recruiter, I took the certification exam for HTML at Brainbench (Brainbench is an online tech-testing company). The test was 40 multiple-choice questions (three minutes allowed per question) and it took me about an hour.

The test was $50 but I passed! They don’t reveal the actual score and instead give an aggregate score out of 5.0. They rate 2.75 or higher as passing while 4.0 or higher is passing at the Mastrer Level. I scored 4.53, which I’m very pleased with.

However, I’m not sure about how to integrate this into my resume. I could add it to the Educaion section, I could add it as a bullet to the Profession Profile section, or I could add a separate Certifications section. Any suggestions there? And, if the latter (adding a Certifications section), where would you add that in relation to the other sections?

<input> within a <form>

I was validating a page today when I got the error:

Error: element “input” not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element

At first I was confused, but a Google search for that error message quickly pointed me in the right direction. Apparently, <form> must contain a block-level element. And, as <input> is just an inline element, directly enclosing it with a <form> tag wasn’t allowed.

So, I enclosed the tags within <form> by a <div>, and the page now validates as XHTML 1.1. Standards are good :).

Crimson Editor – 3.45 beta

Cool, I was pleased to discover that Crimson Editor v3.45 beta has been released today. For those not aware, Crimson Editor is a freeware source-code/text editor for Windows.

It may not quite be at the level of (say) TextPad, but TextPad isn’t free either. While I don’t believe that shareware is immorral, I do consider free software to better imbody the hacker ethos. I regard Crimson Editor as the current champ of source-code/text editors for Windows. Some features:

  • Multi-level Undo/Redo
  • Change-detection. That is, if a file changes on disk “out from under the feet” of the editor, the editor prompts the user whether he/she would like to reload the file.
  • Syntax Highlighting: HTML, CSS, C/C++, JavaScript, and so many other languages (even Python and LaTeX).
  • Auto-indent
  • Matching-parens highlighting. This is extremely handy for multi-level if-statements, for instance.

As far as what’s new in the 3.45 beta, I found this list of features to be included in 3.45 Final on the messageboard, and presumably the items that are listed as “done” are included in the beta.