
I had read good things about oatmeal and health, so I bought some (apparently, the effects are present primarily in slow-cook oatmeal, so I bought that type).

About two weeks back, I made some according to the directions on the package (boil the water and oatmeal mixture, easy). It didn’t actually turn out very well, as it ended up rather soggy. I’m not sure if I made the oatmeal correctly and I’m just not an oatmeal-person, or if I overcooked the oatmeal leading to its sogginess. I did add some cinnamon and Splenda, of course, but the sogginess remained.

Just today, I decided to give oatmeal another chance. But, to eliminate the possibility of sogginess, I just poured some dry oatmeal into a bowl (along with a sprinkling of cinnamon and Splenda). It was a bit on the mouth-drying side ;), but a glass of water close-at-hand took care of that.

It was actually pretty tasty. And, with Splenda having no Calories, I could add as much as I wanted without feeling guilty (other than the inherent guilt of using up all my Splenda and having to go buy some more).

I am curious whether the cooking process is linked to the healthiness of oatmeal; after all, I didn’t cook it at all this time, and I wouldn’t want to lessen its health benefits on that account. All the same, if you don’t like cooked oatmeal (but don’t mind oats in general), you may want to try this technique.

16 thoughts on “Oatmeal

  1. My understanding is that the less you cook food, the healthier it is, i.e. the closer to nature it is the better. If you want to try something different for breakfast: if you have leftover (white or brown) rice from dinner, save it for the next day. Then add some milk and brown sugar and microwave it just a bit. Delishusssssss!

  2. more than what’s recommended. my milk line is somewhat higher than the oatmeal line. i like to drown my oatmeal. and hey, it’s not as bad as eating soggy cereal.

  3. Alex I will have to come over sometime and cook you some oatmeal. I grew up on the stuff and love it to death.

    Yes its healthy, but man if you live a little it’s even better.

    For instance I like making it 2 different ways. First cook it, put in bown and let it cool for about 5 minutes. Add a small portion of mild…just enough to make a small layer over the top. I try to use 1% milk. Then add a little butter. Next come’s the sugar. I add about 2 table spoons which is about 32 calories (you could go with splenda if you like). Then add a small amout of cinnamon (sp?)….about 1 teaspoon.

    The other way is done exactly the same…but replace the sugar and cinammon with brown sugar. Brown sugar in Oatmeal is the most satisfying thing in the world to me.

    Top all of that off with toasted Wheat bread. I like to dip my bread in the oatmeal and scoop it up. hehe I had a daily ritual of doing this when I was younger. Heck we were poor as hell so my parent’s feed me Oatmeal.

    You should also try Cream Of Wheat and Malt-O-Meal. Those 2 are really great also :)

    Seriously I need to come over and train you on the Oatmeal thing!

  4. The oatmeal purists here will grumble, but I use quick oats and I like them. Cheap and fast (the microwave is your friend). Here’s how I like it: Use about 1/2 to 2/3 the water the recipe calls for, depending on how firm you like your oatmeal. Before cooking, add the following to your oatmeal: raisins, brown sugar, nutmeg (just a dash), cinnamon (about three dashes, but not too much or your oatmeal will taste like Big Red — yuck). Stir and then nuke the whole thing for a minute or two. (Just don’t let it explode all over the inside of the microwave. It isn’t pretty, nor is it much fun to clean up.)

  5. Someone needs to say it.


    Thats right oats are for horses, and not meant for human consumption. If you want to eat slop. try heading to the pig pen, at least you might get some meat!

  6. I found this website looking for the same answers to the question…. is it better to eat the oatmeal dry or cooked? I still do not know, but, I do know that cooked oatmeal, when made right, is very satisfying, w/ butter, w/ brown sugar. Do not listen to oatmeal sucks, because, hey, there are too few things in life that are this satisfying and still good for you. My sister-n-law eats oats right out of the barn, loves them this way, she is very healthy, not health conscious. She fills her pockets and munches throughout the day on these unprocessed oats.

  7. I was in Scandinavia this year and at breakfast buffets they served big bowls of dry oatmeal with raisins and nuts. I would love to fine the exact recipe. Can anyone help!

  8. I think eating oats either dry or cooked are both exactly the same.Sue i think you got served something called Granola,i made it a couple of times.

    Anyhow,ill probably not be checking this site again.

  9. whatever you do, don’t eat to many at once. Oats expand with heat and liquid (in your stomach) and can cxause a horrific stomachache.

    If that’s not bad enough, they’re slow to digest, so it’ll last ’till luchtime.

  10. Hello There,

    I eat raw oatmeal all the time. I like to add it to plain yogurt. It’s very healthy, try it! Also, for your cooking mishap, I believe you just added too much water. Try to add less than you think you need to, let it soak it up for a moment, then if you need to add more do so. Remember, you can always add more, but you can’t take away! :)

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