Low Carb Doritos Coming in May

Well, we've just about seen it all now — low-carb beer, low-carb bread, low-carb cookies and now low-carb chips. Frito-Lay announced in a press release that they’ll be introducing low-carb Doritos and low-carb Tostitos in May. Known as Doritos Edge and Tostitos Edge, they’ll have 6g net carbs and 10g protein per bag (product packaging photo, nutrition label photo).

To create the new products, the company will use soy proteins and fiber to convert to a lower carbohydrate chip […]. This move will result in a 60 percent reduction of carbohydrates in both products.

Of all low-carb products, I think the introduction of low-carb bread made the most sense to me — after all, most people eat bread every day. But chips? Is there really a market for people who want to eat healthier yet eat chips on an everyday basis?

I do wonder how these chips will taste, though. Much like their low-fat counterparts, low-carb foods never seem to taste as good as the full-fat/high-carb versions. I suppose we’ll find out in May.

59 thoughts on “Low Carb Doritos Coming in May

  1. Please bring the lowcarb edge cheetos/Tostitos and doritos back! I bought them everytime I was at the store….I could only find them at the shop-n-save by my home! I am really disaapointed they are gone! I absolutley think they were a hit, Please bring em back! I’ve been watching my carbs for 2 1/2 years and I now have no chips! Please bring em back to the stores!

  2. I cook for my diabetic 80 year old mother-in-law, and the low carb chips made by carb focus, and frito lay were her favorite treat. Now I can’t find anything to replace them for her. I don’t think that the companies marketed them very well, they missed out on the increasing diabetic population. Simple carbs convert to sugar so quickly, that most chips are big no-nos for them. I had to go on a search for them every time I went into the stores they were never in the same place. A lot of the time they wouldn’t have even been put on the shelves and I would have to ask for them from the back/stock room. One manager of a Walmart said that they were a fad and he wouldn’t take up room on his shelves for fad products. I wish that these companies would at least make these products available online.

  3. I have been looking the Carb Focus chips for a long time also and buy whatever is available when I do find them. So if this issue is cost of shipment to the stores along with taking the shelf space of another higher selling product, how about giving us the option to order them online. I’m sure we all still shop at WalMart and support this corp, please support us in our decision to eat healthy by enabling us to access your Low Carb products if not in the stores, online!

  4. Please bring back the Carb Focus Flaxseed Tortilla Chips. I love them and have searched at Walmarts all over N.C AND S.C. and cannot find any. Now I am learning that Walmart is discontinuing them. Please reconsider !

  5. I also bought a bag of Carb Focus Flax chips at Walmart and was hooked. I told my son-in-law [who loves chips] that they were the best freekin chips that I ever had. He got hooked, then, guess what…..THEY QUIT CARRYING THEM!!! That just plain stinks.

  6. Trader Joe’s stores carry a flaxseed tortilla chip that is wonderful and is even better than Carb Focus’s and at my Oregon store in Eugene, is $1.99 a good sized bag. I miss the Edge cheetos too!

  7. I loved the Carb Focus flaxseed chips. As a salty snack lover and diabetic, they filled a definite void in my diet. Walmart is missing out on a tremendous market, since diabetes is a rising problem in our country. I thought this company was smarter. “Low carb” diets may be a fad, but most diabetics carefully monitor their carbs to determine their insulin usage. Maybe the marketing department at Walmart needs an overhaul.

  8. It is now well into 2006 and I am still looking for a substitute….as a ton of you already have mentioned – I can not believe that there was “no market” for these chips with all the Atkins dieters and diabetes patients. It’s a shame.

  9. I remember seeing some articles mention that the Low Carb doritos, when eaten in excessive amount, caused serious problems with bowel movements (a little too unpredicatable and frequent)

    If you think a collection of articles on Low Carbohydrate options might be of interest or use to you, and want to find out more, feel free to visit http://www.lowcarbtips.org .
    I don’t sell anything, the site is just a collection of articles that I’ve collated, all used with permission. (You can click on the Articles1, 2, 3 & 4 links on the top right for a list of more.)

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